neon moonbeams and cognitive diarrhea

hey guys. how are yall? hope you’re doing okay whatever day of the week it is where you’re living.

i suppose we’ll start the introduction now:

i’ve gone by many names in my life, but yall can refer to me as Unregistered Hyperglam.

i’m a 21-year-old university student living in America with a major in English and a concentration in creative writing. this is codeword for “i have zero functioning neurons.” well, maybe not. sorry for leading yall on.

here, i’ll be spreading my opinions on popular culture (with a heavy emphasis on music) to the public interwebs. on this platform, i’ll be irregularly barfing out my thoughts on musical releases, bands, making music, anime, cartoons, television, film, visual art, novels, poetry, neurodivergency, comedy, and anything else my insufferable little brainworms can think of. some days i might be inactive, and some days i’ll write so much that formaldehyde will leak out of your ears. i suppose that’s a crucial bit of info that should be included in the fine print, so..... fair warning. i don’t make the rules kiddos.

i guess the best way to describe this digital monstrosity is that i got bored of bottling up my thoughts. so now, not only do my friends have to hear my opinions (most of which are so terribly insufferable that they probably violate the Geneva Convention), yall have to as well! don’t yall feel lucky?

i think it’s high time i end the introduction now, because my ADHD has just decided that it would be a great idea to rattle my attention span around like a Shake Weight. anyhoo, it was lovely introducing myself to yall, and i’ll see ya next time i see ya.

have a blessed day, each and everyone of yaz. ✨🌺

(P.S, i’m usually not this self-deprecating, and i probably won’t be in much of my future posts. i just don’t know how else to introduce myself. i’m not a millennial, i promise.)
